Translation of 'Getting started' page


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Hi translation team,

We (at last :) ) have a new page called 'Getting started'. When a user logs in, he/she gets redirected to his/her user account dashboard, and the first page they see now is the new 'Getting started' page. This page is very simple, it's intention is to just provide a set of links to help new users explain how they can start their mini-missions and Labdoo tasks.

To access this new page, go to 'My account' on the top bar and select 'Getting started'.

This page is actually implemented using our wiki system, and it corresponds to this source page:

The code that drives the 'getting started' page automatically detects the user's language and presents the version of the 'getting started' page that corresponds to that language. Right now i have it translated to English and Catalan.

When you have a moment, could you please translate the getting started page (this page: to your native languages? (remember that the steps to translate a wiki page are explained here:

As a side comment, notice that the upper task bar is now simplified with one dropped down menu called 'My account' which allows users to directly access tabs within their user dashboard reducing one click.



Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Enviado por Rhein-Ruhr-Hub el Dom, 10/23/2016 - 11:36

Hi Jordi,

I will translate the page into German, but again there are the discussed differences in our approaches to contributors. When translating into German, I would not only translate the text, but also change some of the links it-selves. No answer will mean you agree :) During the session in Barcelona I tried to explain the different and more successful approach within DACH countries. International you address helpers and hubs in the first line, the German DACH-area donors, dootrippers and requester.

Some examples:

English German
I want to contribute and tag a laptop Ich möchte IT spenden (I want to donate a computer)
I want to create one school project (edoovillage) Ich möchte einen Antrag für IT-Spenden stellen (I want to start a request for laptops)

and so on...

The reason is simple: E.g. there are more people willing to donate a laptop than to tag and register it in our database. There are more people starting a request for a donation (this selection is missing in your list) than there are willing and able to create a new edoovillage entry in our data-base it-self. This has to be done with a new hub in a separate training, needs additional user rights etc.

Companies would talk about a more easy first level support (donor, dootripper, requester, contact us) and a more complex 2nd level support (hubs, branches, technicians/labdooers etc.). In German pages we try to offer fast access to 1st level (more often needed e.g. drop a laptop donation; bring a laptop to a project; start a new request for a project; contact us). Everything else is kept in the back for a 2nd level (more seldom and more complex; create a hub, a newsletter, a project, an event etc) not to confuse the visitors. Another point is that only very few users create their own account in DACH area. Most of them contribute, dootrip or contact us without creating an own account. And this page to be translated is only visible to users having creating there account (at least that is what I understood).

Now, looking at the remaining links in German for the 1st level - it is exactly our German landing page with the 4 most important actions to be taken. So this new page you created is not needed in German!? But I do not want always to be the "bad guy" and as the international part of the project team is staying with their approach, I will try to find a synthesis of both philosophies... E.g. by putting the links related to 1st level on top of the German translation of your page and put the other links more below.

Sorry to answer with so much text for such a small translation job. But your request shows me that the DACH input Frank and me tried to transfer in Barcelona was not understood or there are reasons not to follow it. Anyway, I do not want to raise an old discussion again :) Only wanted to explain, why again there will be differences in a German page :)

I remember a discussion in Barcelona about a more ergonomic user interface of the web-site. I do not remember who it was. But may-be you think about this 1st and 2nd level approach?

Thanks, Ralf (Hub Rhein-Ruhr and D A CH countries)

Imagen de jordi
Enviado por jordi el Dom, 10/23/2016 - 19:17

Hi Ralf,

Thanks for your input. A few comments:

- Yes, you can definitely create your own schema/workflow here, you don't have to translate word by word. Every region should implement their own workflow. Yes i know your model very well, please write this page the way it best works for the German region.

- Please notice that not all regions are the same. For instance, in Catalonia and in Spain, 95% of the hubs are school hubs managed by students. The volume of laptops generated is much lower than Germany and Switzerland, but in exchange we let 14 and 15 years old students participate, we teach them the values of collaboration, helping the community, we teach them recycling, how to sanitize, the importance of sustainable transportation, many concepts that require a full picture (you saw the result with 15 year old Alex from Madrid giving his presentation in Barcelona, that's one of the main goals in this region, which is about participation and collaboration). For these regions, efficiency and volume is important but not the top priority. Instead, learning the values of helping the community and learning all the different tasks is given more priority. So it is important that they get a big picture of all the things you can do, not just prioritizing one task because it's more efficient.

- It is 100% ok to follow different models. DACH is super efficient, which is great. Other regions go slower because they learn other aspects of the project.

- I like your comment about differentiating simple versus advanced tasks. So I organized tasks in two groups now (common and advanced):

- This is a wiki page, others can contribute and modify it. If there is a missing entry, please add it. If there is an error, please correct it. Any translations for different superhub regions can follow a different approach depending on the needs.

Imagen de wendy
Enviado por wendy el Dom, 10/23/2016 - 22:11

sorry, I am confused. Where is this getting-started page going to reside? Under the "information for Labdooers", I hope?

I agree with Jordi that the purpose of Labdoo is way more than just collecting and delivering laptops, but I also agree with Ralf that we need to keep tasks as simple as possible, especially when you deal with teens. After working with many fantastic kids in past years on Labdoo. I realized providing too much information all at once at the beginning stage of their volunteering may be difficult to digest and since they are not professional workers like us who are used to processing multi-threaded tasks. Sometimes, it may result as a discouragement rather than an encouragement:)

Instead of adding an extra getting-started page, maybe we should focus on the homepage, point the icons to a brief explanation page before directing to the contact page (As suggested by Ralf). And we can translate the explanation to different major languages.


Imagen de jordi
Enviado por jordi el Lun, 10/24/2016 - 06:13

> I am confused. Where is this getting-started page going to reside?

Did you see my first email? i explained that:

"When a user logs in, he/she gets redirected to his/her user account dashboard, and the first page they see now is the new 'Getting started' page."

"To access this new page, go to 'My account' on the top bar and select 'Getting started'."

> Instead of adding an extra getting-started page, maybe we should focus on the homepage

I personally think we should have booth. A good home page explanation, and a good getting started page, these are two different things. One thing is users that don't have a Labdoo account, they look at the front page (without logging in) to understand how it works. This is the first tier. Another thing is once a user has created an account. After they log in, they need a welcome page where they can find things to get themselves started. By the way, this is feedback i received from many users, it's not just my idea.

> maybe we should focus on the homepage, point the icons to a brief
> explanation page before directing to the contact page (As suggested by Ralf).
> And we can translate the explanation to different major languages.

I don't understand, don't we already have this page? (and i spent a long time including already all of Ralf's feedback which was great, in fact this page exists because Ralf asked for it, which was great.)

If the above page is not what you are looking for, could you please create a new page? let's not just throw ideas and wait for Jordi to do it please, otherwise it becomes very hard. Instead, please design and create the icons, create the text, put things in the place you like them, and then when you are done, please share it with the rest so that all of us can provide feedback and make recommendations to improve. Also very important, please, let's make sure when we write a page, that we proofread it before publishing it. I spent a lot of time trying to correct the grammar of published pages which had a considerable amount of mistakes (some times very simple to spot grammatical mistakes). For a project that we try to promote education, it is very important that we don't publish wiki pages until they are 100% proofread and free of grammatical mistakes (or almost free of them.)

Imagen de wendy
Enviado por wendy el Mar, 10/25/2016 - 06:05

Thank you for the explanation, Jordi. I misunderstood your purpose of adding this page.
I like the current Labdoo home page and I understand you have very limited coding resources. I just took this request wrong and thought it's a replacement for the current landing page. And yes, it will be very helpful if the page is under my account -> getting started and users have the option to explore to it as they progress. A new question - Don't we need to have the majority referred linked pages to be translated first in order for this page's translation to be meaningful?

I also very agree the wiki page is better to be proofread by "a second person" before publishing it since it's difficult for us to catch our own grammatical mistakes. I don't contribute a lot of pages. All pages I added in were all proofread by at least one native English speaker, on top of proofreading myself. Yet, some of them still have many grammatical mistakes as you may find. But is it practical? Since I know majority of Labdoo wiki, may not be proofread by a second person, but are very important and informative (like this one :)

Thanks so much again for the energy you spend on perfecting Labdoo website.

Imagen de jordi
Enviado por jordi el Mar, 10/25/2016 - 04:57

Wendy i agree. Sorry if my words looked too direct, all contributions to the wiki are very important and we need them, unfortunately right now we do not have enough volunteers to help proofread all the pages, but hopefully soon we will get more helpers.

> Don't we need to have the majority referred linked pages to be
> translated first in order for this page's translation to be meaningful?

I agree. I also think it is better to have a Getting started page pointing to English documents than having no Getting started page at all.

Also in Germany Ralf has a fully elaborated Wiki page, so this solution should work 100% for him as he can now create the 'Getting started' page for the German speaking countries pointing to the German wiki.

And this should hopefully draw attention to new labdooers about the need to translate the wiki and eventually drive more volunteer to help with the translation. One of the items in the Getting started page is about 'translating Labdoo pages'.

Imagen de wendy
Enviado por wendy el Mar, 10/25/2016 - 05:59

>I agree. I also think it is better to have a Getting started page pointing to English documents than having no Getting started page at all.
Totally agree. So we should have it, and in English, to keep consistent with the pages underneath it, right??

Regarding to wiki, I think we should encourage people publishing wikis but have a red flag statement somewhere in the page if it's not been proofread by a second person yet. So readers can still grab as much information as possible but not be intimidated by mistakes in the article. what do you think?