Check wikis for broken links


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Feature request

Integrate a tool to check wikis (maybe also links in other parts of the homepage) for not working, broken links


jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Wed, 10/28/2015 - 10:31

This is now resolved. I enabled the Google Webmaster tools in the Labdoo domain. Notice that there is no need to integrate the solution into the Labdoo code, since GW works as an independent tool. As a non-profit project, Labdoo has access to GW for free, and it comes with a whole set of web statistics to help manage the performance and correctness of the site.

To access Google Webmaster for Labdoo, go to, sign in, and select the domain This will take you to the Labdoo dashboard. Then click on 'Crawl Errors', which will tell you the statistics. There is a whole bunch of other info, such as 'crawl stats', which will tell you how often Google is crawling Labdoo to index its content and the time spend on crawling (which can be used to detect performance issues). Attached pictures describing these steps.

According to the stats, Google is indexing about 2,510 Labdoo pages every day. It appears that all our links are currently correct according to GW. However, it could take a few days for the bot crawlers to identify a broken link, so we will be monitoring this dashboard in case any broken link is found.