Preparations for Barcelona Conference


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Hello everyone,

We have a bit more than a month before the Labdoo Conference in Barcelona and things are starting to shape up. Thanks everyone who is really helping to organize this event, without you none of this would be possible. Please don't forget to register here if you have not already.

As you know this is a zero cost conference so we run it without funding, but we got support from the University (who is giving us the space and staff for free), Barcelo Congressos (supporting online registration and organization) and HP (who is printing posters and banners for free). We just got the printings from HP, see attached pictures on this wall message.

In the conference we will have people coming from abroad who are managing edoovilages and some others who are managing hubs. I wanted to take this as an opportunity to organize some dootrips. During the conference we will sanitize some laptops too in one of the workshops, but i was wondering if Ralf and Frank could use their trips as a dootrip and bring some laptops each depending on luggage space? this would be a great example to also illustrate that every trip is a CO2 neutral opportunity to help spread education. Please let me know if this would be possible.



imatge de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Enviat per Rhein-Ruhr-Hub el ds., 08/06/2016 - 11:06

Hi Jordi,

no problem, can you please create a common Google document, where you, Frank, me can summarize the things needed or be brought to Barcelona? I plan to bring with me

  • my own laptop,
  • 1-2 laptops I can drop in Barcelona,
  • external USB disc with images and content (can stay in Spain)
  • USB sticks as boot media Parted magic (can stay in Spain)
  • also RAM, HDD and spare-parts to stay in Spain (please let me know what you need)
  • Labdoo pins (how many?)
  • Labdoo stickers
  • handouts in German as examples (flyer, business-cards, posters etc)

I would also start working on the presentation and live demo. Please let me know the time scheduled for my presentation. My idea is to have 3 short parts

  1. intro, Labdoo in Germany (odp)
  2. Live demo: How a Labdoo system can look like (software + content)
  3. Live demo: Parted magic and cloning, just an overview

The detailed presentations will be part of the workshop later on. Thanks.