New page on responses to dootronics donors


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We are getting now a bit more volume on people who are traveling and want to contribute with a dootrip. This people go to and click on the green button "Contribute a trip". So to speed up the answer to these contributions, i created the following wiki page where we can store the template answers:

I added English and Catalan template answers. Feel free to add other translations.

One thing that is very handy to speed up automated responses is to use "Google's canned responses" in your Labdoo gmail account:

For each type of incoming message ("dootrip contributor", "edoovillage request", "dootrip contributor", ...) you can create a different canned response and in different languages. Then in a couple of clicks, you can reply to incoming messages from people who use the main big buttons on the front page of labdoo

As you know, we also have standard template responses for inquiries related to "dootrip contributor" and "edoovillage request":



imatge de wendy
Enviat per wendy el ds., 02/18/2017 - 07:44

Thank you jordi for putting together the templates.
I am assuming the purpose of this translation is for people who doesn't speak English well? Can you recommend the best way to incorporate such materials into different language trees? Can you also recommend the best way to find out if the page we translated earlier has a new update since it's impossible go back and check manually (for example the About Labdoo page)