Labdoo Stories Book and Hub Poster


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Hello hub managers,

We have edited a Labdoo book with some of the stories written by some of you. If you are interested in getting a copy of the book, you can get it from this link below (the book could perhaps be a nice gift to some of your donors and collaborators):

As you know, Labdoo is a zero funding organization, so we cannot pay for the printing of the book and also we don't use the book to generate any revenue. The cost of printing the book goes from $10 to $17 depending on the options you choose from above. Please notice that no revenue at all goes to Labdoo, this cost is just to cover the printing costs.

You can also download the book in PDF format from here:

We take this opportunity to also remind you that if you wish to do so, you can download and print the Labdoo Hub Poster from this link:

Labdoo Team