Changing the dootrip automatic message


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Currently when a dootrip is registered, the user receives this message:

However, the message does not mention the next step the user should take in order to execute the dootrip. I would like to suggest this change:

Instead of:

"You can now use the toolbelt you will find in your Labdoo dashboard to contribute further in bringing a device to a needy education project:"

We can use:

"The next step is to identify one or more laptops (dootronics) that you can carry in your trip and one destination school (edoovillage) that can receive the laptops. For this, please contact the hubs near your area and they will help you. You will find the complete list of hubs you can contact from this list: Also in the following page you will find instructions on how to contact another Labdoo user: If you have any questions, please email the Labdoo Team at"

If you agree with the above text, could you send me the translations to the rest of the languages? otherwise let me know your suggested changes.


imatge de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Enviat per Rhein-Ruhr-Hub el dt., 01/17/2017 - 10:37

Hi Jordi,

Frank and me suggest this translation into German:

"Bitte nimm Kontakt mit einem Labdoo Hub auf, sofern nicht schon geschehen Labdoo wird sich dann darum kümmern, dass rechtzeitig vor deiner Abreise Laptops bereit gestellt werden. Danke für deine Hilfe. Bei Fragen kannst du dich auch an wenden."

The English text you send sounds complicated to me. The German message contains "get in touch with a hub, if not already done. Labdoo will take care that you will get the laptops in time before you leave. Thanks for your help. In case of questions...".

