Ecuador, Ambato - Tungurahua:



Traveling to this country and you would like to bring a laptop to this project? Reach out to Labdoo and we will help you make the difference.



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Dootronic ID 國家 狀態 Model Serial number Weight
000001802 Ecuador [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude D620 F7CNL2J
000001803 Ecuador [S4] Deployed and being used Compaq Evo n610c 104030A 3.00Kgms
000001947 Ecuador [S4] Deployed and being used Thnikpad Lenovo T60 HESBCLC0886 2.00Kgms
000002125 Ecuador [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Satellite Harman Kardon Y5221763K 3.00Kgms


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Dootrip #DepartureOrigin目的地狀態CapacityDootronics assigned


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