Translation of the Wiki to Catalan


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We'd like to introduce Erik to the translation team. Erik is a student from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona who is doing an internship with Labdoo to help finish the translation of the platform from English to Catalan. He already made a huge contribution this past Saturday at the Labdoo Conference translating in real time all the presentations from English to Spanish (he did a really good work).

We discovered that the internship program works very well because it's a win for the university, for the students and for Labdoo :). So if you are interested in having Labdoo translated to other languages (or complete the translation of the existing ones), i encourage you to talk to a local university in your countries, they may offer similar programs.

Erik, welcome to the Labdoo team and once again, thank you for the great contributions you are about to make!

Here are the pointers to get you started Erik:

- We just gave your user the 'wiki writer role', so you should be able to edit wiki pages.
- In this page you will find an explanation of how to translate wiki pages:

As a starting point, I would suggest to begin by translating the "Information for Labdooers (Volunteers)" to Catalan: . Give it a try and let us know if there are any questions.



Portrait de jordi
Soumis par jordi le jeu, 10/26/2017 - 06:28

And i really want to specially thank Elena who was brilliant in establishing this wonderful collaboration with Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona!! we look forward to having many student internship opportunities like this.