Try it out: Creating and Managing Labdoo Events


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If you are a hub manager or supporter who is creating and managing Labdoo events then we have a great and easy to use tool at hand!

For example, in the past our team in Switzerland has managed events via regular e-mail invitations and manual tracking through Libre Office Calc. This can be very time consuming and frustrating at the same time, so why not using our simple feature which is already built into our page?

Here is the straight forward idea: First join and select a team where you see the best fit for your event, for example our Swiss laptop sanitation events perfectly fit into the team "Labdoo DACH". Then just click on "Start event" and fill in the details such as event name, location, date and time and informational text for the attendees.

Have a look at our upcoming Swiss laptop sanitation event:

It's just that easy and afterwards a link to your specific event is created which you can further distribute via e-mail or your social networks.

If you want to learn more, then here is an in-depth explanation:

One thing I learned: When you change the name of the event after it has been created, then the link itself also changes - so please make sure you have the perfect title before you start spreading your link...

And the best: Registration can be done by anybody who has the link - there is no need for having a Labdoo account!

Best wishes, Frank
Labdoo Hub Zurich