Travelers to Germany from Colombia


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Hi Ralf and team in Germany,

There is a traveler going to Hamburg from Colombia and Leidy and her hub/team in Colombia ( were wondering if we could use this traveler to bring one or two laptops back to Colombia. Would that be feasible?



Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Enviado por Rhein-Ruhr-Hub el Lun, 06/06/2016 - 14:15

Hi, I already answered this request last Friday, but did not receive an answer yet... :( I am only able to react, if I know the details. If I receive no answer I will not be able to help.

Hi Leidy,

it will a pleasure to help. Hamburg is about 400 km to drive, too far
to meet. But the Labdoo Hub Hamburg (cc) can help you.

Please let me know:

For which project (link) is the laptop needed?
How many laptops can your helper carry back to Columbia?
Departure date?
Address and contact data during his stay in Hamburg?

Imagen de Leidy Campillo
Enviado por Leidy Campillo el Lun, 06/06/2016 - 18:29

Hi Ralf

Thank you for your concern. Our friend recently just arrived to Hamburg. Can you please tell us the location data Hub in Hamburgo for him to visit and pick up the equipment as soon as finalized the process

Best Regards

Leidy C

Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Enviado por Rhein-Ruhr-Hub el Lun, 06/06/2016 - 18:46

First we need the above mentioned data, then we can look for a laptop to be prepared for the traveller. But as you did not send any of the above asked data we are not able to help, sorry. As the Hamburg Hamburg is very busy at the moment it might be necessary the send the laptop to the address of your helper in Hamburg. But due to travelling etc. time is running out and - again - send me the data needed to help you by mail (do not post here), thanks.