New Labdoo Hub in Greece


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Hello everyone,

I wanted to introduce you the new Labdoo Hub located in Athens, Greece. This hub will be managed by Isaac, who has helped sanitize laptops in the past for other projects and has a background in Computer Science. Isaac is also establishing contacts with several local NGOs in Greece who work in the refugee camps. In these camps, there are many young children who are trying to keep their studies going despite all the difficulties. Getting them educational laptops can be of great help.

So we would like to ask you that if you know anyone traveling to Greece who can bring laptops to Isaac, please let us know. Even if the laptops are not sanitized, you can still dootrip the laptop to Greece because Isaac and his friends in Athens can sanitize them. I know some of you have hubs with lots of laptops and not enough hands to sanitize them, so this can be beneficial for all.

This is Isaac's hub in Athens:

Thank you very much for everyone's help.