Remove Restricted Codecs and Extras from images for cloning


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The Labdoo images, which will be uploaded later than May, 16th 2016, will come WITHOUT PRE-INSTALLEDED CODECS. Due to that you will not be able to watch videos, DVDs etc. any-more on a Labdoo laptop, unless you run a script by yourself. Ubuntu and Mint decided to remove the restricted codecs and extras as well. Those distributions will be delivered without restricted codecs, too, unless the user take actions, to install it by a user entry.

Legal Notice Patent and copyright laws operate differently depending on which country you are in. Please obtain legal advice if you are unsure whether a particular patent or restriction applies to a media format you wish to use in your country.

But there is a solution - you will find a script on each desktop (user labdoo). When you run this script the downloadednot installed, software (l)ubuntu-restricted-extras) will be installed. For this installation you don't need a connection to web, the software is already stored on each laptop.

But there is a part of the software, which needs internet connection to web during its installation (libdvd software to watch DVDs). This software will download additional software during the installation process and needs online access. If you are not sure, if web access is possible at the place of installation, you have to decide to run this script before travelling, when web access is possible.

If you use installation scripts - there were already updated, too. And might be improved in the future

Thanks to Stefan, who contributed with his know-how to this solution.