CSR package


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Hi Jordi,

I found this new page
and it is a good idea to offer companies such a CSR program.

Here are a few ideas for this CSR program:

We should translate this page in various language. I see it is a wiki
page (content). Do you want me start to prepare a German version?

You plan various CSR modules, that is a good idea. But what is a fair
figure in one country may be far from realistic in another country. Do
you plan to adapt the figures for a country? E.g. 1.000 dootronic
donations in Germany are realistic to become a CSR world changer. But
in other countries 1-200 would be a fair number (e.g. in Switzerland;
the relation between Switzerland : Germany is 1:10, e.g. inhabitants,
social product etc).

My experience is that most of the companies just want to donate, only
very few offer dootrips or starts a hub, too.

Your model is based on the idea that each CSR company contributes
everything (donations, trips, hub creation). The German Telekom is the
only one doing all these, but no one else.

So please either consider about "or" conditions (actually I understand
it as "and"?). Or how about a systems of points (e.g. a donation = 1
point, a dootrip = 1, a hub = 50; in total you need xxx points to
become CSR status yyy)

What happens if the goals are not reached in the next year(s)? Can a
CSR company loose its status in the following year(s)? How long does a
CSR status stay valid, when will it be revised?

If you agree I would start to rearrange the logos of our IT donors in
the German super-hub page https://www.labdoo.org/de/content/spender.
Together with Frank I can categorize and rearrange all former donors
into these new CSR categories.

I am sending this by mail. If you want we can start a public coffee
shop topic?
mit freundlichen Grüßen



jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi on Mon, 02/01/2016 - 07:35

Yes the CSR package was recently created due to a new collaboration with a company in Singapore (previously announced in this post).

If other people have feedback feel free to share it. This conversation is about defining a new Corporate Social Responsibility package for Labdoo. You will find the initial definition of the package by going to 'Explore => Labdoo for Companies (CSR)', which will take you to this page: https://www.labdoo.org/content/labdoos-corporate-social-responsibility-c...

Some quick comments to address your questions:

- Ralf, notice that the CSR package is already 'OR' oriented, not 'AND'. Notice that in English it says "your company will be recognized with this contribution level if one or more of the following tasks are carried out". So that basically means OR. It's inline with Labdoo's philosophy: not everyone can do everything, but many people can do at least do one thing to help out with the cause.

- About having different rules for different countries, i really think that would be a bit too complex. I think we should start with a simple CSR package first. I think it could also be unfair if for some countries you can get 'World Changer' status with only 100 laptops, but other countries needed 1000 to reach same level. I think it is ok if some countries are bigger contributors and get the highest status, versus other countries may contribute less and get smaller status. The status itself is less relevant, the most important part is participation at whichever level companies can (small, medium or large contributions all are welcome).

- I think we can debate and modify the current definition of each packet and the levels of contributions (number of contributed dootronics, dootrips, etc.). We can adjust up or down these numbers based on people's experience. But to begin with, i would prefer to have universal packages equal for everyone and every country to keep things simple and also ensure fairness. As we learn, we can adjust the configuration of the CSR package too.

- I think the three recognition levels ('World Ambassador', 'World Activist', 'World Changer') can be assigned to contributing companies on a yearly basis. On day 1, companies would start at the first level 'World Ambassador'. At the end of first year, depending on how many contributions a company has made, they could be recognized with a higher level (World Activist or World Changer). Every year (e.g., around January) the status of each company would get reviewed based on its past year's contributions.

Yes please work with Frank to re-arrange your current contributors based on the new CSR package levels. While you do so, if you think we need to change the levels of contributions for each level based on your feedback, let me/us know.

wendy's picture
Submitted by wendy on Mon, 02/01/2016 - 08:57

Yes, Thank you Jordi for putting together the CSR package. It is a great tool to provide companies guidance on how they can participate Labdoo.

As Ralf pointed out, it reminds me the concerns you had on using a badge system to recognize individuals. It won't be easy to justify the level of contributions based on a preset number of laptops or dootrips. For the same reason, maybe it will be better to provide company different titles based only on the tasks they involve and not quantify them?

Eisvogel's picture
Submitted by Eisvogel on Thu, 02/04/2016 - 15:36

Hi Jordi, this is a very good idea and that nice tool to do both, recognise the companies contribution and to motivate them to do more.

Since sustainability is a core point of our activity I am a bit concerned that more valuable companies might be motivated to give away their dootronics quite early in order to get a better recognition.

A German study (I don't find the link unfortunately) clearly indicates, that even with the remarkable improvement of the efficiency when you purchase is worth after 5 to 7 years. It takes this time to compensate the footprint and the energy used during the life cycle of new reduced laptops or notebooks.

Maybe it was a good idea to point that out more clearly on our homepage?
