Response to Data Deletion



If you have any questions about this page or if you find any errors, please write a message to the support wall and a Labdoo volunteer will help resolve it. Thank you for helping to improve our wiki pages.


Thank you for your interest in contributing to the cause.

At Labdoo, we want to ensure all data stored in every donated computer is properly erased. Erasing data on the computer hard drive is the required first step in the standard Labdoo laptop sanitation process. Volunteers shall erase data with the “shred” command before installing the new Ubuntu operating system.

Please visit the Labdoo website for detailed information on how to erase data from the computer hard drive ( )

Thank you for helping us spread the Labdoo awareness so more used laptops can have a second meaningful life before fully retired.



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Dootronic Packaging Print Outs

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Request of more information to solicitors