New Labdoo landing pages going live this Sunday



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Hello all,

As some of you know, the Labdoo development team has been working for the past months on a new set of landing pages for our web portal. The new landing pages have been designed to provide a better user experience, specially for new users coming to the platform who are interested in learning about the Labdoo project and how to participate. You will see that the current Labdoo logistical platform (to tag laptops, create school projects, creat hubs, create trips, manage inventory etc.) has not been modified at all, so you should be able to use it as always. The landing pages will be the new "face" of the portal (front end) and provide quick references to the platform back-end so our users can continue to make a positive impact to the world as efficiently as in the past.

In addition to being more user friendly, one of the features provided by the new landing pages is the concept of Labdoo regions and languages. The new portal provides a way for each Labdoo region to create their own localized pages. Users can choose what region they want to operate on and also within that region, they can select a language of their choice (provided that such language is available). This feature will allow Labdoo to continue to grow in new regions and in more languages too as we continue to progress.

We plan to go live with the new landing pages this Sunday Feb 21. So excuse us for any inconvenience as the Labdoo platform will be unavailable starting on Sunday at 6am CET and for about 3 hours.

While this initial release of the landing pages will include significant improvements to our existing front pages, we have a plan to continue to improve in features and user friendliness. We apologize if you find a feature that is missing for the time being and we welcome your feedback if you have any ideas on how to continue to improve the Labdoo portal via

Thank you very much for all your teamwork and we look forward to continuing supporting all your collaborative work!

Labdoo Development Team