Assigning a dootronic to a dootrip



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There are two ways to assign a dootronic to a dootrip, by editing the dootronic or by editing the dootrip:

  • By editing the dootrip. Go to the dootrip page and click on the "Edit" tab. Make sure that you are logged into your Labdoo account and that you have rights to edit that dootrip, otherwise you will not be able to see the "Edit" tab. Under the field 'Dootronic identifiers', add the Labdoo ID of the dootronic. Then click on 'Save'.
  • By editing the dootronic. Go to the dootronic page (your laptop or tablet page) and click on the "Edit" tab. Make sure that you are logged into your Labdoo account and that you have rights to edit that dootronic, otherwise you will not be able to see the "Edit" tab. Under the field 'Dootrips assigned to this dootronic', type the dootrip name. Then click on 'Save'.

Continue reading to the next page:
Automatic Notifications and Managing your Dootrips

Go back to read the previous page:
Assigning a Dootrip to a Destination Edoovillage