Dootrip Enquiry


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Good day peeps,

Please I was told that before my project could be approved, I will have to get in touch with someone that is traveling from one of the labdoo hubs to my area.
Does anyone here know how to get across to Dootripers that are traveling to Nigeria?



Ritratto di Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Inviato da Rhein-Ruhr-Hub il Mar, 10/24/2023 - 05:04

Dear Jude,
after you SPAMmed many Labdoo hubs by your request you are posting your request here.
This LGS channel is to support users and project, if there is any technical or user problems to be clarified.
Aside of that you are using the wrong channel you are sending your message to a lot of Labdoo hubs and helpers, if they can visit your project by bringing in devices.
Please understand that it is the task of Labdoo to collect, sanitize and provide devices to local travelers or helpers of yours, so they can manage the transport to your place. So it is your task to search and name travelers to Labdoo, not the other way round.
And you need an accepted request, present several documents etc. Labdoo checks, if your school or project can be supported. If so, we will wait for your traveler information. Actually it seems you did not even start the request process.
If there is a traveler of yours and your project was accepted, you can contact the Labdoo hub, which is located next to a traveler. But never SPAM all or many Labdoo hubs again.
BTW, you received an information package by (Germany) what steps have to be taken and which documents to be presented.
But it seems you preferred to continue SPAMming.
So ask your network, who is able to contribute a travel. But not Labdoo.
Read more here
Team (Germany)
This post of yours and my answer generates a mail to each member of this group. So please avoid to answer here, but reach out to the contacts at the international team of Labdoo. or the German team, if you can name travelers from Germany.