Translations of contact message needed


Message d'état

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Hello team,

I am implementing a new contact workflow as part of this task. The new workflow includes the following automatically generated message:

When you have a moment, could you please translate the above message (just to be sure, i mean this message: to your languages? (Chinese, German, Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian, etc.)

You can attach your translation to this conversation and i will generate the template.



Portrait de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Soumis par Rhein-Ruhr-Hub le dim, 06/26/2016 - 17:02

text DE:
Guten Tag,

Vielen Dank für ihre Nachricht. In Kürze wird diese bearbeitet und sich das Labdoo Team bei Ihnen melden. Da unsere HelferInnen ehrenamtlich tätig sind, bitten wir um Verständnis, wenn sich dies mal durch Urlaub, Beruf oder Erkrankung verzögern kann.

Vielen Dank,
Ihr Labdoo Team |
Labdoo-Erklärvideo (1 Min)

Diese Nachricht haben wir von Ihnen erhalten:
@Jordi, can you change the URL in the footage depending on the country code, so the person will get a response according to the selected landing-page (DE, AT or CH), where he started from? (for AT), (for CH) and (for DE)? Thanks.

Portrait de wendy
Soumis par wendy le mer, 06/29/2016 - 00:48




#如果你認為你收到錯誤的郵件,請回郵至[ CONTACT_EMAIL ]

Portrait de jordi
Soumis par jordi le sam, 07/02/2016 - 06:56

A few more translations when you have a moment, thanks!

"Thank you for reaching out to Project Labdoo.
Please fill out the following form and after reviewing your message we will get back to you."

"The reason you are contacting"

"I want to contribute a laptop or a tablet (dootronic)"

"I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)"

"I want to become a Labdoo volunteer (labdooer)"

"I want to solicit laptops or tablets for my educational project (edoovillage)"

"I just want to send a message to"

Portrait de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Soumis par Rhein-Ruhr-Hub le sam, 07/02/2016 - 07:51

EN: "Thank you for reaching out to Project Labdoo.
Please fill out the following form and after reviewing your message we will get back to you."
DE: "Danke für ihre Kontaktaufnahme mit dem Labdoo-Projekt.
Bitte fülle das Kontaktformular aus. Wir werden kurzfristig antworten, danke."

EN: "The reason you are contacting"
DE: "Grund der Kontaktaufnahme mit"

EN: "I want to contribute a laptop or a tablet (dootronic)"
DE: "Ich möchte einen Laptop oder IT spenden (dootronic)"

EN: "I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)"
DE: "Ich möchte als Flugpate helfen (dootrip)"

EN: "I want to become a Labdoo volunteer (labdooer)"
DE: "Ich möchte bei Labdoo mithelfen (labdooer)"

EN: "I want to solicit laptops or tablets for my educational project (edoovillage)"
DE: "Ich möchte einen Antrag für eine IT-Spende stellen (edoovillage)"

EN: "I just want to send a message to"
DE: "Ich möchte eine Nachricht an senden"

Portrait de wendy
Soumis par wendy le lun, 07/04/2016 - 19:05

Chinese Translations:

"Thank you for reaching out to Project Labdoo.
Please fill out the following form and after reviewing your message we will get back to you."
“謝謝你聯絡Labdoo 。 請填寫以下的表單。在收到您的信息後,我們將會儘快回覆。“

"The reason you are contacting"

"I want to contribute a laptop or a tablet (dootronic)"
“我想要捐贈筆電或平板電腦 (dootronic)“

"I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)"
“我有旅行的計劃可幫忙運送筆電 (dootrip)“

"I want to become a Labdoo volunteer (labdooer)"
“我想當Labdoo 的志工 (labdooer)“

"I want to solicit laptops or tablets for my educational project (edoovillage)"
“我需要教育筆電的支援 (edoovillage)“

(this option sounds a little odd in Chinese culture so I translate "others" instead) "I just want to send a message to"