Need translations for some email templates


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Hello team,

There are two remaining email templates that need to be translated. When you have a moment, would you mind helping with these translations? thanks.

Missing languages:
Catalan, Chinese, German, French, Spanish

Missing languages:
Catalan, French, Spanish

Once you have translated these *.email files, please send them to and we will upload them to the platform. Thank you!


Portrait de Leidy Campillo
Soumis par Leidy Campillo le mar, 05/30/2017 - 12:51

Hello Jordi

You can tell me please in which kind of format we need to send the translations.

Attentive to your instructions


Portrait de jordi
Soumis par jordi le mar, 05/30/2017 - 19:08

Hi Leidy thanks for your question.

The file format is .email, so you can open the file in text mode and save it with the same name, for instance:

To translate the file "" to Spanish, save the translation as a new filed called "" (notice the change from "en" to "es"). Thanks!

PS: We have more detailed explanations in the following link, but i did not pass this because that description is to translate all the .email files, but in this case we are only missing the translation of a couple of files:

Portrait de Leidy Campillo
Soumis par Leidy Campillo le mer, 06/14/2017 - 02:01

hello Jordi,
we has send the translated files to indicated mail.
we will await your confirmation about successful translation, or if we have make some correction.
