[google chrome] failed to scroll to the top


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Website bug

The home screen failed to scroll to the top with the Chrome browser. See attached screenshot

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Portrait de jordi
Soumis par jordi le ven, 07/03/2015 - 06:20

Could you please try to make the Chrome browser zoom smaller and see if that works? it is likely that your zoom is currently too large to the point that the website objects are distorted. Also, could you confirm that your zoom size is 125%? we should be able to fix that.

Portrait de wendy
Soumis par wendy le lun, 07/06/2015 - 22:49

How do you check the zoom size? I just found the problem exists at certain "window width". It goes away if you stretch the window bigger horizontally, or make it narrower so the top menu becomes a small pull-down icon.

To reproduce the problem, you can start with a very narrow window and then stretch it in the x direction.

Portrait de lisabell
Soumis par lisabell le ven, 11/04/2016 - 23:31

Hey guys,
I'm going through all open tasks (for evaluation for my master thesis) and I could not reproduce this problem. I tried zooming and stretching :).
Is this problem still occuring in Chrome, Wendy?

Portrait de wendy
Soumis par wendy le sam, 11/05/2016 - 04:40

Hi Lisa,

Yes, I believe the problem was with the old header. I can not reproduce the problem either. Please close the ticket.



Portrait de jordi
Soumis par jordi le jeu, 12/22/2016 - 09:21

Confirming that this was fixed some time ago. The issue here was that the mobile version would not kick in at the right zoom level, so the upper menu was wrapping around, hiding the top of the screen. If you zoom now a Labdoo page several times, you will see that the mobile version of the page kicks in, and that there is no wrapping around on the menu anymore. Thanks.