End of the life of device, Tag ID: 000035308


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Since the beginnning of using this laptop, the laptop runs really slowly. So I have put it aside for long and re-ran just recently.

It is still working but need a lot of patient to open a program properly. I am not using it any longer and could you please kindly direct me how should I do for this item.



Portrait de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Soumis par Rhein-Ruhr-Hub le dim, 06/25/2023 - 13:11

Answered by mail (PN) as before.
I have nor idea, why you post your question in our wall instead mail or Whatsapp as before.
For details see our mail.
Team Labdoo.org (Germany)

Portrait de hninphyusin
Soumis par hninphyusin le lun, 06/26/2023 - 05:45

Thanks for your message. I came to write this on the wall as the document which comes along with laptop mentioned if there is anything which is broken or any situation happened to the laptop, it is right to post on the wall.
Sorry for my question if this is not perfect place to write. Thanks.