Please check location assigned to a cloned dootronic



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Website bug
Beschreibung: is a clone of, both status T1 and assigned to different edoovillages.

The data to #6234 assigned for edoovillage, dootrip and address were modified for #6342 and shown correctly during editing process. But when storing the dootronic Google maps showed the former geo-location of # 6342, even the address was correctly updated. And when you looked at the address at the end of this dootronic page you saw the address of the assigned edoovillage of #6234.

By deleting the geo co-ordinates the map and the address for #6342, everything was updated and shown correct.

So if someone clones a dootronic (having status S3, S4 or T1?) without removing the geo co-ordinates there seem still parts of the origin laptop data remaining? It is not urgent, just not to forget...