"Pick me up", visualize laptop donations to be picked up



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Feature request

Laptops tagged by helpers with no contact to a hub stay often with their owners, as it is difficult for hubs to identify and contact the owners.

One solution could be the geo search described already. Another idea:
a "pick me up" button to send a mail to hub (the next hub and/or and to show a special flag in the map make it easier to see where laptops can be collected.

A "Call me back / e-mail me" can support the first contact to a hub.


Bild des Benutzers Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Gespeichert von Rhein-Ruhr-Hub am So, 08/16/2015 - 11:15

Great job, I like it :) Just to make sure - will the system send a mail with the dooject's link to a super-hub, if "Pick me up" is activated and if there exists a super-hub in the country of this dooject? If not, can you add this feature? Thanks.

Bild des Benutzers Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Gespeichert von Rhein-Ruhr-Hub am So, 08/16/2015 - 17:20

Thanks, notification mails "pick me up's" for

Switzerland -> Zuerich-Hub@Labdoo.org
Austria (as long there is no Austrian super-hub) -> Labdoo-DACH@Labdoo.org
Germany -> Labdoo-DACH@Labdoo.org

Is there a way to send a kind of an information mail to those laptop owners (Labdooers) owning tagged doojects with status S0, S1, S2, S3 that there is this new option of Pick Me Up now? So they can decide, if to use it or not? If a hub is already owner no mail is needed, just for the grass-root? So persons having tagged their items some weeks or months ago get aware of this new feature? As a unique mailing action? If not for all countries (due to law?) I would like to have it done for the DACH area. Not urgent, during the next weeks...

And a suggestion to change the text of the link:
Your link "Don't pick me up" sound so negative, perhaps in the beginning (when tagged) show "Click here, if you want your dooject to be picked up" or similar? And when status was changed you show "Pick me up activated" (to see it was activated?, as it is not obvious when displaying "Pick me up", is it activated or not).

Pick me up - off or inactive
Pick me up - on or activated

Bild des Benutzers jordi
Gespeichert von jordi am Sa, 08/29/2015 - 15:51


I agree with your suggestion that 'Don't pick me up' is too negative, i was not very happy with that either. I have changed it to:

Pick me up (actived)
Pick me up (deactivated)

As for your other question, we don't have a way to send emails to specific users based on dooject status (S0, S1, ...). The easiest is to send out an email via the 'Global Team' announcing this feature and letting people know in case they want their laptop to be picked up.

Bild des Benutzers jordi
Gespeichert von jordi am Sa, 08/29/2015 - 16:11

Another separate question.

I am not sure about the utility of implementing an automatic email notification for 'pick me up' events. It's seem a bit overkill in terms of too many notification.

Another much simpler and probably more efficient option is to not send any email notification and instead, we can look at the dooject dashboards from time to time and manually check the pick me up flag from the global dashboard, and coordinate with nearby hubs the pickup. For now, we don't have too many 'pick me up' events so it's easier to do manual checks. If you have any feedback, please make comments. Thanks.

Bild des Benutzers Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Gespeichert von Rhein-Ruhr-Hub am Sa, 08/29/2015 - 16:38

Hi Jordi,

I cannot speak for other regions, but there are so many tasks to be checked from time to time I don't need another one :(

If possible to connect the mail job with the country of the pick-me up dooject I would prefer
dooject in A or D: Labdoo-DACH@Labdoo.org (as long as there is no super-hub in Austria)
dooject in CH: Zuerich-Hub@Labdoo.org
I agree that to find the next located hub is a difficult task to program, so just check country and mail, Frank and me take care of the rest.

So we can work of those doojects one by one and not have to go through a long list, involve local hubs (some are active, others aren't and need a push)

Another problem is to keep track which of those doojects have been worked on in the past and which are new in the list.

So, in the end, for DACH I would prefer mails. As there are only a few super-hubs in other countries maybe other countries want different solutions?

Hope this makes sense :)