Hub page



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2 Questions-

1. How do I use this content (shown in the attached picture) as one of the OC subpages?

2. Can we rename from Labdoo Hub California South to Labdoo Hub California Orange County?



Bild des Benutzers jordi
Gespeichert von jordi am So, 01/31/2016 - 11:42

For question #1, you can follow the example by the superhub pages in Germany. You can find all existing pages and examples by going to Hubs => Superhub List Content: (The German menu is the 3rd entry in that list:

I just updated your code to have a nicer drow down menu, is this what you wanted?

Also, you can find step by step description on how to create your superhub pages in the wiki:

(In step 4, it shows you how to create a menu.)

For question #2, since you are a hub manager, you can just go to your hub page ( and click on the link 'Edit this hub'. You will then be able to change the name of your hub.

Bild des Benutzers jordi
Gespeichert von jordi am So, 01/31/2016 - 11:44

One more note, please keep in mind that if you have one of your superhub pages pointing to a non-superhub page, then you will no longer see the drop down menu. The drop down menu can only show up on superhub pages. So if one of your superhub pages points to, then the user will no longer be able to see the drop down menu because that is not a superhub page anymore.