Creating a new edoovillage and a new dooject



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Website bug

I added a new edoovillage and when storing screen content "moves", but content is not stored (no error is reported, all input is correct). You must push the store button again, then it is stored. I double checked that because first I thought I made a mistake. This behavior is new, only a few days.

I have to check, but I have the impression the same problem exists when adding or cloning doojects.

PS: I just tried to store this task, 1st try = not store, now I store again....


Bild des Benutzers Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Gespeichert von Rhein-Ruhr-Hub am Mi, 07/22/2015 - 17:47

Tested various browser (Firefox, Rekonq) on 2 laptops (KDE and Win7), problem exists on both laptops. It happens when you add a NEW object (dooject, edoovillage etc.), just adding a comment does not show the problem