You are invited to join the international session at the Labdoo Conference 2017


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Dear hub managers,

(This message is sent to all of you who manage hubs, via the Labdoo Coffee Team Wall and by selecting the sharing option for "only hub managers").

As you know, tomorrow Saturday (October 21) we will hold the Labdoo Conference 2017 in Barcelona. During the conference, we have an international session to be held from 16:35​​ to 17:20 Barcelona time. As hub managers, you are all invited to join as online to share your ideas.

You will find the full program from this link.

To connect to the conference, please use "labdoochannel1" via Google Hangouts. Just click on the following link:

Looking forward to having you with us!

More information about the conference:
Hashtag: ‪#‎labdooconference2017‬

Labdoo Team
