Imagen de jordi
Submitted by jordi | Last message on: Dom, 05/05/2019 - 10:30 | 0 comment(s)
Hello everyone! This is just a quick note to let you know that the Labdoo platform will be down today at 21:00 UTC and for 2 hours in order to perform system upgrades and maintenance. Thank you for your patience and happy tagging! Labdoo Team
Imagen de eparpal
Submitted by eparpal | Last message on: Mar, 03/19/2019 - 10:24 | 3 comment(s)
Hi, I am trying to install Latix in an old laptop which does not boot from my new labtix USB, so i've been told i should create a bootable CD or DVD, Is the labtix image already bootable? If not, what program should i use to download the image into a bootable DVD? Thanks guys!
Imagen de eparpal
Submitted by eparpal | Last message on: Lun, 02/11/2019 - 08:46 | 6 comment(s)
I tried to install Labtix in an external hard disk but I don' t know if it is all right. I do not have an old laptop now to test it on. I have unzipped once ( i would say), but i believe i should do it twice, but what exactly? Can you tell me what to do next by seeing the attached screenshot? Thanks
Imagen de The Pen World
Submitted by The Pen World | Last message on: Jue, 02/07/2019 - 20:42 | 3 comment(s)
Hi everyone! My name is Sampson. I am very new here and finding the information here overwhelming. Can someone help me by showing me how to request for a laptop for my pupils at school? I am glad to join this amazing group. Thanks! Sampson.
Imagen de Julia Pretsfelder
Submitted by Julia Pretsfelder | Last message on: Mié, 02/06/2019 - 11:47 | 1 comment(s)
Good afternoon from Santiago Atitlán. I have been trying to reconfigure my computer language on a Lenovo Thinkpad with an Ubuntu 16.04 system installed. I know that this computer is connected to the internet because I double checked by going on its browser, but whenever I try to change the computer language to Spanish through Language Support, it says that my connection is down. When I...
Imagen de t810sable
Submitted by t810sable | Last message on: Jue, 01/10/2019 - 14:47 | 2 comment(s)
IBM ThinkPad which has very slow and old Pentium M processor. It also has a WiFi device which is very old (Intel PRO/Wireless 2100) and after Lubuntu 14.04 is installed, WiFi can't be used - only through Ethernet cable to connect to internet. There are many postings online about this, but no clear solution. There was this page but I couldn’t download the firmware...
Imagen de robertmuil
Submitted by robertmuil | Last message on: Lun, 01/07/2019 - 14:48 | 2 comment(s)
Dear Labdoo - do you accept Kindle Fires? I have a brand new one - 2012 Model, 8GB, colour 7" display - that I'd be happy to prepare and get to you... ( Best, Rob
Imagen de t810sable
Submitted by t810sable | Last message on: Lun, 12/31/2018 - 06:45 | 2 comment(s)
A potential laptop donor asked if Labdoo accepts laptops that is infected by virus. Is this an issue when sanitizing the laptops? There will not be an issue and Labdoo hubs can receive these laptops?
Imagen de Anonymous
| Last message on: Jue, 05/17/2018 - 13:29 | 1 comment(s)
I followed the instructions at to prepare some USB sticks for the purpose of sanitizing Dootronics. After downloading the two files "parted_magic_clonezilla_2012_10.iso" and "parted_magic_clonezilla_2013_08.iso" I "burned" the images (successful) to the sticks with two different programs: "Disks" and "Startup Disk Creator". All 4...
Imagen de jprisab
Submitted by jprisab | Last message on: Sáb, 03/17/2018 - 08:58 | 2 comment(s)
Hello, I have been reviewing the material you facilitate and I find very helpful for example the "Dootrip Brochure" for example at the time ato create some publicity that could provide some dootravleres in our Hubs. [] There is one thing though that I would suggest to change and it is that on it, it is requested to reach out for the...